Photography is my life – that sounds cliche but fortunately this is the truth. I work as a freelance photographer as well as chief-editor of a photography related blog for Budapest-based FotóSarok Visual Service Center (blog.fotosarok.hu) and formerly also another for Mikrosat the leading studio lighting company of Hungary (vaku.hu).
I love photographing people but I hate when my family says ‘let Mark take pictures of the birthday party/Christmas/etc etc’. Crazy thing ain’t that? Challenging commercial photography projects interests me more.
I have been working as a commercial photographer since 2008, and beside my blogs I am staffmember of FotóSarok Photography Agency, as well as member of the teachers' crew of this company's Photography School.
Clients: Tungsram-Schréder, E'lios, U-Light, Penny Market, HÁDA, Accent Hotels (Gotthard Therme, Révay 12, Lakeside), Fradi (FTC), Zöld és Fehér Magazin, I Love Balaton, 575 by ILBFactory, Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala, Magyar Turisztikai Ügynökség, Jack's Burger, Mangal Ilona Zrt, Diófa Restaurant, Hotel Magyar Király, Hotel Oxigén, Boutique Hotel Bristol, AluKönigStahl, Rienne Fashion Jewelry, Lukéj Gabi Make-Up, Mystery Gang, Párkányi Kolos Magician, Kategora, BUD Legal, BHC Dental, Alba Pulp, Siemens, Egis, Timmy Praliné, Boarderzone
I love photographing people but I hate when my family says ‘let Mark take pictures of the birthday party/Christmas/etc etc’. Crazy thing ain’t that? Challenging commercial photography projects interests me more.
I have been working as a commercial photographer since 2008, and beside my blogs I am staffmember of FotóSarok Photography Agency, as well as member of the teachers' crew of this company's Photography School.
Clients: Tungsram-Schréder, E'lios, U-Light, Penny Market, HÁDA, Accent Hotels (Gotthard Therme, Révay 12, Lakeside), Fradi (FTC), Zöld és Fehér Magazin, I Love Balaton, 575 by ILBFactory, Budapest Főváros Kormányhivatala, Magyar Turisztikai Ügynökség, Jack's Burger, Mangal Ilona Zrt, Diófa Restaurant, Hotel Magyar Király, Hotel Oxigén, Boutique Hotel Bristol, AluKönigStahl, Rienne Fashion Jewelry, Lukéj Gabi Make-Up, Mystery Gang, Párkányi Kolos Magician, Kategora, BUD Legal, BHC Dental, Alba Pulp, Siemens, Egis, Timmy Praliné, Boarderzone
Agencies: Lounge Design, FotóSarok, Forward Productions
Are you looking for exhibitions and awards? I am not that kind of guy. A satisfied client makes me happy rather than any award.
I also shoot weddings, if you are looking for my wedding portfolio please visit www.whiteweddingphoto.hu website.